Friday, May 23, 2008

Coupons 101

Many of you have asked me to explain how couponing works. I will attempt to explain the basics. If you have any questions let me know. First off, where do you get coupons? If you get the newspaper they are in there. I don't want to subscribe to the paper because we don't read it and why spend money to save money? Elderly people LOVE to give you coupons. My grandmother saves them for me and I've also asked my neighbor. They are usually just throwing them away and most elderly people love to know someone is using them. In their day in age they learned not to waste, something our generation could stand to learn. So just ask your neighbor or that old lady at church. The key is to get multiple coupons and then when you find an awesome deal you can stock up.You also need to find how the grocery stores around you honor coupons. For me I live near an Albertsons, Safeway, and Fred Meyer. Albertsons honors other stores coupons (including Safeways double coupon), Safeway has the double coupon, and Fred Meyer will not take other store coupons. So usually Albertsons is the best bet.So you start by clipping your coupons and sorting them into a little file folder (labeled Dairy, Cereal, Hair products ect). Then every week when the new ads come out you look through them and try to match what is on sale with what you have a coupon for. For instance last week Fred Meyer had a coupon for toothpaste 3 for $5. I also had a one dollar off coupon which I combined with a double coupon (you can only double up to $.50) so I got toothpaste for $.16 So needless to say, I stocked up on toothpaste. I know it sounds confusing but it is very simple once you figure it out. And when you start getting things for dirt cheap-you will be addicted!

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