Monday, June 9, 2008

Cloth Diapers

I've made the switch. Yes, the thing I always said I couldn't do. We are now using cloth diapers! Yes, I know I'm a little late since hopefully the kids will be potty trained in the next 6 months but hey, I was a tough convert. My friend Alison won me over. She has been awesome about answering all my millions of questions and loaning me stuff.
Now there are 2 main benifits of cloth diapers. First and most important to me is the enviornement. Do you know it takes 500 years for a disposable diaper to decompose??? That means those diapers will still be around when my great-great-great-great-great-great grandkids are born! That is convicting. Since I had kids I have become much more aware of the environment and how I want to leave the planet for my children. We have made a lot of green changes this year and this was always something I thought we should do but I just couldn't. I felt so guilty throwing those diapers away so FINALLY I thought I'd give cloth diapers a try. You know what? They aren't that much more work and it isn't messy. My only regret is that I didn't start 2 years ago.
The other huge benifit is saving money. You will pay about $2,000 for diapers from birth-2 years old. Cloth diapers cost about $1,000 and each additional child is practically FREE. Now that is a bargain! Might as well have a bakers dozen. If you want to check out the diapers I bought click here.


Unknown said...

You are brave! I don't know if I could do it....

Carpenters said...

Oh, I'm so happy that you made the switch! You will love it! At least, I do. Oh, and you can also use cloth wipes. I switched to cloth wipes about a month ago and have found that they are super easy to use and have saved us some money too.

With Love,

Anonymous said...

I'm glad it's going well! I've heard a lot of benefits from going with cloth, so that's our plan when this little one is born in the fall! :)