Sunday, June 29, 2008

What to do with the excess?

I have decided I won't be posting all my great shopping trips because it is just too time consuming. Don't worry though I'm still getting great deals-just today I got 4 big bags of groceries for under $2. A girl at work went with me yesterday and she was ecstatic to get 3 bags of groceries for $.76! I have also heard from a lot of you that it is too confusing for you to follow how to replicate the deals I have been posting. So my best advice is if you are interested in couponing you should contact me and set up a time for me to show you how.
I have come across a new dilemma. I am getting so much FREE stuff I am needing to give some things away. I have been saving up non-perishable food because 2 times a year my church collects food for a food drive. My church also runs a free health care clinic so I give the extra medications to them. But this week I got 10 packs of post it notes for FREE and we have no need for that many. I hate to waste things but I wasn't sure what to do with these. My friend Bri had a great idea-give your extra school supplies to a teacher. Lots of students don't have enough school supplies and teachers don't have much of a budget for these things. So if you have any extra school supplies sitting around-give them to a good cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the site!!! Tyra's sister in law