Inspired by
Northern Cheapskates post, I have decide to do my own post about unfrugal things I do. Life is all about choices. While I usually am pretty frugal, there are some things I splurge on.
Scrapbooking- I love scrapbooking. I think it will be great for my kids to be able to look back some day and have all our memories preserved. Anyone who is a scrapbooker knowns it can be expensive but I think it is really worth it.
Shoes While I don't spend much money on clothes I think good shoes are a must. When I find shoes that fit good, I am a very loyal customer. Danskos are the only shoes I buy for work. Since I am on my feet a lot at work I am willing to pay the extra money for good shoes. I also love Crocs for my kids, although thankfully they have recently come out with some knock-off Crocs that fit just as good.
Buying Organic Meat Being healthy is more important to me than saving money so I am willing to pay more for Organic meat. A good way to save though is buy a part of a cow from a local farmer. We buy 1/4 of a cow about every six months. While it is more expensive than buying cheap meat at the store, I feel it is worth it to know that the meat I am feeding my families is not pumped full of antibiotics or fed blood meal (which causes mad cow disease).
Buying Organic Produce Along the same lines, I try to buy a large majority of our fruits and veggies organic because again, healthy food is a priority for me.
Eating Out This is our biggest budget-blower temptation. The Man and I love to eat out and if we aren't careful we can completely blow our budget. We have recently committed to only eating out one meal a week.
It is okay to do some unfrugal things as long as you are still spending less than you are making and you adjust your budget and spend less on something else.
What are the unfrugal things you do? Are they worth it to you? How do you adjust your budget to make it all balance?