Sunday, July 6, 2008

Nuts & Zantac Coupons

Here are some coupons I am loving right now:
Zantac $5 off hit back and print 2(page 3)-Walmart sells the 8 ct. for about $4 so you get $1 overage!
I end up with a lot of FREE medication using my coupons, most of which we don't use. My grandparents, like most elderly people are on a set income and take a lot of medications so I pass them on to them, for which they are extremely thankful. So if any of my friends aren't going to use this coupon can you print it off for me so I can give my grandparents more?
$3 off Planters Nuts-
#2 Nut Coupon
#3 Nut Coupon
Take them to Walmart and get the nuts for FREE. You do have to buy 3 other Kraft products but this is a great time to use all your Kraft coupons or buy something cheap. I think I will stock up on some pudding-my kids love to finger paint with it.

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