Saturday, July 12, 2008

FREE Movie Tickets

I was so excited the Coupon Lady was on Dave Ramsey's TV show this week. One great idea she talked about was giving older kids their own coupons, helping them find the product and "buy" it for FREE with the coupons. Then take them to the food bank and let them give it to them. What a great idea to teach kids the value giving! Food banks are really low during the summer because kids are home from school who would normally qualify for FREE lunch progams so the parents have to supply more meals and not a lot of food drives happen in the summer. It is a great time to pass on some food you've aquired using your coupons.
Hope everyone is taking advantage of Albertsons buy 10 General Mills products get 2 FREE movie tickets. I used my coupons and got 10 boxes of cereal and 2 movie tickets for $10. You can barely buy 1 movie ticket for that price!

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