Friday, July 4, 2008

Crazy Coupon Lady

My good friend informed me last night that I am now know as the crazy coupon lady. It is true; I've drank the cool-aid. I am so SICK of being in debt that I've taken drastic measures. I have found that, unfortunately in our culture it is very weird to be frugal and live debt free. I have saved so much money with coupons so I am a bit over the top. There are a couple misnomers about coupons however. First: Is couponing for everyone? NO. Second: Will couponing help everyone financially? No.

First off, not everyone should coupon. If you are a person that despises couponing, it is probably not for you. For me I love it. It is a game for me to see how cheap I can get things. Also to be REALLY great with coupons you need to be organized. If you are not a organized person you probably won't do that well with coupons. Lastly, if you work full time or are already feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff going on in your life, you might not want to coupon.

Second: Will couponing help everyone financially? You NEED to have your monthly budget WRITTEN down. If you are not sure how to do this or just want to learn some great financial tips I'd recommend going through Financial Peace University. Look at the things that you are spending too much money on. For us it was groceries and eating out. Yours might be different. Maybe you a driving a car you can't afford (if you are making payments and aren't close to paying it off-you can't afford it), maybe you are using your credit card to pay for vacations you can't afford, maybe you spend too much on clothes. You need to look at your own finances and decide where you need to cut. If you use coupons and then turn around and charge up your credit card for a pair of shoes, then it hasn't done you much good.

Saving money on groceries is only a small part of your financial situation. You need to know where your money is going each month and then cute the areas you think are excessive.

So with all that being said the crazy coupon lady will now leave you with a very summery coupon that I am loving right now.
Blue Bunny $1 off-take it to Walmart and get popsicles for $.50


Unknown said... know I mean it in a caring way! You get this excited, crazy-eyed look when you talk about all the FREE stuff you have been getting--I think it's cute! PS: "crazy" like a beloved kooky sister, not like the lady who puts wigs on her cats......

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the coupon!